About Us

LCL , incorporated in Australia, is an ASX listed exploration and mining company. The Company holds ~3890Km2 of exploration titles in 5 regions of Papua New Guinea prospective for copper, gold and nickel. The Company also holds a dominant position within the Quinchia region of the Mid-Cauca Gold Belt of Colombia. The Company is actively exploring in PNG while the 100% owned, 10,500 ha Quinchia Gold Project (2.6Moz @ 1g/t) in Colombia progresses through early stage feasibility related studies.

Directors and Management

Chris van Wijk
Executive Chairman

Chris is an experienced geologist specialising in project evaluation and project generation. Chris brings a wealth of relevant experience including base metal and gold exploration in Africa, Europe, the Americas and Australia as well as joint venture management and project evaluation for major mining companies including BHP, IAMGOLD, First Quantum Minerals and Fortescue Metals Group. Chris has a Master of Science in Ore Deposit Geology from the University of Western Australia and is a member of the AUSIMM.

Kevin Wilson BSc, ARSM, MBA
Non-Executive Director

Kevin was appointed to the Board on 23 March 2018. He has over 30 years' experience in the minerals and finance industries, including as Managing Director of Leviathan Resources, a Victorian gold mining company. Over the last 8 years Kevin was Managing Director of Rey Resources, an Australian energy exploration company. He has prior experience as a geologist with the Anglo American Group in Africa and North America and as a stockbroking analyst and investment banker with CS First Boston and Merrill Lynch in Australia and USA.

Chris Knee
Non-Executive Director

Chris is a qualified accountant and has over 15 years’ broad experience in a multi-national chartered accounting firm and a number of senior finance roles across the resources industry with projects in Africa, Canada and Central Asia. Chris has a range of experience across a variety of disciplines including joint ventures, international tax structuring, accounting and compliance, commercial contracts, project divestments and acquisitions.


20 February 2024

Corporate Directory

Company Name LCL
Country of Incorporation Australia
Stock Exchange Listing Australian Stock Exchange
Home Branch
Victoria 3000, Australia
ASX code LCL
Board of Directors Ross Ashton (Executive Chairman)
Kevin Wilson (Non-Executive Director)
Chris van Wijk(Non-Executive Director)
Company Secretary Chris Knee
David McEntaggart
Registered Office Suite 6, Level 1, 389 Oxford Street, Mount Hawthorn, WA 6016
Principal Place of Business

Perth, Western Australia
Suite 6, Level 1, 389 Oxford Street, Mount Hawthorn, WA 6016

T: 08 6245 9879

Website www.lclresources.au
Share Registry

Level 5
126 Phillip Street
T: +61 1300 288 664 (toll free within Australia)

T: +61 (0) 2 9698 5414 (outside Australia)

Email: hello@automicgroup.com.au 

Auditor Grant Thornton Audit Pty Ltd
Central Park, Level 43
152-158 St Georges Terrace 
PERTH  WA  6000
T: +61 (0) 8 9480 2000
Bankers Westpac Banking Corporation
Solicitors Australia
Steinepreis Paganin
Level 4
16 Milligan St
PERTH 6000
Brokers Australia
Hartleys Limited
Level 6
141 St Georges Terrace

Corporate Governance

LCL’s Corporate Governance policies are consistent with the requirements of the Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations 4th Edition and are reviewed and updated so that these policies and practices are always kept in line with the current Principles.

We will continue to monitor and update our Corporate Governance practices in light of ongoing developments in legal requirements and best practice.

The following documents provide an overview of LCL's corporate governance policies and practices: